Pre-formed Arches
Pre-formed arches are fast and simple to install. They offer a genuine alternative to traditional, loose brick arches, with considerably less production time. We cut slips from our standard bricks to shape, which are then bonded to pre-manufactured arch structures. Available in the following types:
Pre-formed Structural Arches.
We cut 25mm brick slips, which are bonded to a load bearing concrete lintel. As they are load bearing the customer has no requirement for an external skin lintel and they can continue to build on top of the arch. This method also allows for the arch to be seen from below with
a 102mm brick faced soffit, if your window is set back from the brickwork. This method saves considerable time when installing into the building.
Pre-formed Lightweight Arches.
22mm brick slips are cut and bonded to an 80mm lightweight backing block, achieving a 102.5mm soffit. The arch is designed to support its own weight, meaning a catnic lintel is required beneath to carry the weight above. This method is also reduces installation time considerably.
Structural Arch 01

Structural Arch 03

Structural Arch 02

Lightweight Arch 01

Flat Gauged Arches

Segmental Arches

Semi-circular Arches

Bullseye Arches

Contact our experienced team today to discuss your project in more detail